Week 2: The "Problem" with Math

The Problem with Math

What is a problem? Just the word has a negative connotation. You think of something that causes distress. Problems usually are uncomfortable. Some people procrastinate and don’t want to deal with the problem right away. We have to change our mindset about math “problems” – perhaps we should use words such as “question,” “challenge,” or even “riddle” instead of the word “problem.”

Students must believe that they are “math people” and that they are capable of learning math. Have a look at this inspiring article about how a teacher empowers inter city students to free their minds and to keep asking questions until they truly understand the concepts - http://bit.ly/2O1Xjze

So, what is the issue?

Dan Meyer’s video “The Math Makeover” provided an excellent analysis of the current state of most math classrooms as students:
      -       Lack initiative
-       Lack perseverance
-       Lack retention
-       Have an aversion to word problems
-    Are eager to use formulas

Students want a fast and easy way out. Just plug some numbers into a formula and presto, there is the answer. They didn’t really understand the problem even though they got the answer. When they can’t solve the problem, they display “impatience with irresolution.” I found this to be the case with students during my block. They did not like to persist and gave up much too early!

The Difference Between Knowing and Understanding

Understanding the problem is an obstacle many students encounter. Students demonstrate knowledge when they can compute an answer as they understand and follow a procedure. However, can they explain the math? Can they make connections to demonstrate true understanding?
Sometimes students don’t know even where to start. George Polya wrote a best-selling guide “How to Solve It” in which he detailed 4 steps to solve a problem. How do you get to Step #4 when you are stuck at Step #1?  

                                                         Source: https://binged.it/2DePnGy

Step #1 Understanding the problem or the analysis of the problem is key to problem solving. You need to understand the meaning of the problem. What is being asked? Can you rephrase the problem using your own words? Do you really understand everything in the question? Do you need additional details?
Sometimes, there is too much information and you need to extract what is not important in the problem.

Let the students build the problem!

I really agree with Meyer’s comment about having students actively involved in the design of a problem instead of just giving them a problem to solve. The process is so important yet often overlooked. 

                                                                   Source: http://bit.ly/2NVYHDn

For example, Dan Meyer demonstrated a word problem involving a water tank. The following is a typical textbook problem:

The problem was then altered – all the previous details such as dimensions were omitted and the students only had a video showing the tank being filled and the question: How long will it take to fill the water tank? Everyone is on a level playing field because they only see a video and numbers and formulas are absent. This is so powerful! They can talk about the problem and share ideas. They can guess. Everyone can be engaged. They can redefine the problem and discover what is important. The problem is more authentic as it was a video of a water tank being filled.

Other tips

Meyer had some additional recommendations that I will use in my teaching such as:
-       Using multimedia to add a real-world experience (and really reinforce that math is everywhere)
-       Encouraging student intuition (and emphasize the process, not the answer)
-       Asking the shortest questions possible
-       Letting students build the problem
-       Being less helpful (they have to persist and keep trying!)
I also thought that our in-class discussion regarding centers or stations was great! I never thought about using stations in math but it makes so much sense as it is a great way to differentiate abilities and student interests and give teachers some time for 1:1 and/or small group support.
